On Experience
Focusing on Experience (Customer, User, & Employee) is the key differntiator for how leading organizations create their products and services. Below are select articles and presentations I've delivered on the topic of Experience.
Implementing Experience as an Organizational Value
UX Magazine
Bringing customer-centered thinking into an organization is about more than just proclaiming that you’re focused on experience. It’s about changing your process, sure, but it goes even deeper: It’s about changing attitudes. It’s about making your customers a central organizational value that guides behaviors and decision making.
Leading Customer Experience
UX Magazine
Guiding your organization to achieve an experience-first mindset means understanding your context, building connections, and communicating your intention.
How Building a Human-Centered Product Helped an Organization Strengthen Its Mission
Taking a patient-centered approach we were able to align a the values of the organzaiotn with a sustainable, patient-centered approach to product design & development. Here's how we did it.
World Usability Day – Healthcare
Summary of the event I hosted in coordination with the Colorado chapter of HIMSS
Service Design to Orchestrate Customer Touchpoints
Outdoor Retailer Snow Show
Many organizations are trying to determine the best way to begin focusing on Customer Experience. We take a proactive approach to CX by being intentional with how your customers interact with your business.
Driving Organizational Alignment Through Customer Experience
American Psychological Association
Speaking to the values and processes necessary to ensure "experience" is an organizational value to achieve customer-centric & experience-focused organizational cultures.
Leveraging UX & Kanban to Unleash Your Inner Startup
Denver Startup Week
The focus of the presentation is how to ensure "experience" is an organizational value to achieve customer-centric & experience-focused organizational cultures.
How To Entice Leadership To Crave Customer Discovery
Denver Startup Week
How to gather compelling customer stories and how to successfully measure these insights. Yes, you can measure aspects of customer experience and use these measures to encourage decision-makers to crave even more customer discovery.